Seattle Pole:
In 1917 it came to Seattle. In 1916 my mom got my dad to carve it and it became the Seattle Pole. The top figure is the kingfisher or the Kayan, fastest bird on the water. Next to is the seal hunter holding the baby seal, leaping frog that means stop and listen the she bear the mother raven, the guardian the protector and the mother whale. The bottom figure is the hawkman which is the holy man that created this totem to protect Alaska back in the 1900’s
chief shaiks
The top figure is Male Raven and the other bird below is the female Raven, They’re twins. The mother raven was teaching these two twins that they wanted to help and it became the Chief Shake in 1889 and the twin sisters say “Come with me, I have a gift for you, I have a gift, come and see.” The male raven was holding a gift and the gift was a sitting frog, and it captured evil that’s why the box is on the chief shaiks and blow it is the sitting frog saying that we want peace to be blessed in this area.
Bear Raven:
a male bear, leaping frog, raven, can be sister or mother raven and sitting frog representing asking for peace in this place. The design go’s back to 1927-1916 an again 1980 in till now my son and I carve this.